Adult Bible Study
As we study the Word of God, we grow as disciples of Jesus Christ who can transform our communities. Join us for in-depth study of scripture in a multi-generational format!
Adult Bible Study takes place weekly on Wednesday Evenings. Members take turns providing a simple meal that is served at 6pm. The study begins at 6:30pm and ends around 7:30pm. The study is facilitated by the pastor and first time visitors are welcome!
Typically Adult Bible Study meets in the Marple Room so most people enter through the doors by the playground off the rear driveway (turn right and head towards the sanctuary to find the Marple Room).
For questions, please contact the church office at (713) 748-5730.
College Students and Young Adults
Riverside values and empowers college students and young adults within the church. Each semester, Riverside partners with campus ministries including the Wesley Foundations and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship chapters at TSU and UH for a special service in addition to allowing these ministries to use their facilities. College Students are more than welcome to make Riverside their church home during their time at UH and TSU just a few blocks away!
Riverside is a church that believes in praying for one another and for the world because we have seen God answer prayer. If you are in need of prayer, you are encouraged to submit your requests to the office. In addition, our prayer ministry hosts evenings of prayer occasionally, and equips and trains the church membership about how to pray.
For more information about prayer, contact the church office at 713-748-4730 and ask to speak to Rennette.
Children are loved and welcomed at Riverside. Our Sunday service involves a short children's sermon usually led by our Associate Pastor Denise Caulfield. Children will be invited to the front for the short message, and parents of young children are welcome to accompany them!
After the children's sermon, the kids are released to children's church. Children's church is led by our wonderful team of volunteers including parents in the congregation and a TSU college student. You are welcome to walk your child back to the Sunday School room, or to allow them to walk down with the rest of the children.
For questions about children's ministry, contact Pastor Caulfield via the front office at (713) 748-5730.
Music Ministry
Riverside's Music Ministry is blessed with a talented Music Minister, Mark Williams. The service has a blended mix of traditional hymns, gospel music and contemporary worship songs led by both a worship leader and a more traditional choir. Lyrics are available on screens during worship and congregational singing is encouraged!
The choir practices weekly on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm after Adult Bible Study. Anyone with an interest in participating is more than welcome to join the choir for rehearsal. Those with musical talents from playing an instrument to special skill as vocalists are especially invited to speak with Mark and get involved!
For questions about the Music Ministry, contact Mark Williams via the front office at (713) 748-5730.